The Lies of Donald Trump: A Detailed Fact-Check and Analysis
In recent years, Donald Trump has become notorious for his habit of lying. From small exaggerations to outright fabrications, the President has a long history of spreading misinformation. Here are some of the key lies that Trump has told:
– Trump has falsely claimed that crime rates in the US are rising, when in fact they have been falling for decades.
– He has spread the myth that African Americans are “living in hell,” despite evidence to the contrary.
– Trump has also perpetuated the falsehood that migrants are flooding into the country and bringing violence with them, despite data showing otherwise.
– One of Trump’s most infamous lies is his insistence that voter fraud has “rigged” the election, despite no evidence to support this claim.
These lies are not just harmless exaggerations – they are a threat to democracy. By spreading misinformation and sowing doubt in the electoral process, Trump undermines the very foundation of our democratic system. It is essential that we hold our leaders accountable for their words and actions, and not allow them to erode the trust and integrity of our democracy.
Source: [The Guardian – Lyin’ Trump: a weekly fact-check](