The 15 Most Notable Lies of Donald Trump’s Presidency
**Donald Trump’s Lies: A Comprehensive Look**
– Trump lied about the weather on his inauguration day, claiming it didn’t rain when it did.
– He repeatedly downplayed the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to thousands of unnecessary deaths.
– Trump falsely claimed that Alabama was at risk from a hurricane, leading to a Sharpiegate scandal.
– He lied about receiving an award in Michigan that never existed, using it as a campaign talking point.
– Trump spread conspiracy theories, such as windmill noise causing cancer, showing his detachment from reality.
**The Threat to Democracy**
Donald Trump’s incessant and narcissistic lying poses a significant threat to democracy by eroding trust in institutions and spreading misinformation. His refusal to accept the results of the 2020 election and his insistence on promoting baseless claims of voter fraud have fueled division and unrest in the country, undermining the very foundation of democracy. It is imperative that we hold our leaders accountable for their words and actions to ensure the integrity of our democratic processes.
(Source: [CNN](