Exploring the Essence of Soul: A Reflection on Trump’s Actions and Our Nation’s Core
President Trump has a problem with soul. Just one recent example is his inflammatory treatment of four congresswomen of color. We may agree that soul is someone’s essence or vital spirit. But consider this definition by Parker Palmer, educator and social activist (no relation). Soul is “that life-giving core of the human self, with its hunger for truth and justice, love and forgiveness.” His definition contains touchstones we can use to judge the character of our president and our nation.
– Trump’s lies about the treatment of four congresswomen of color
– Trump’s disregard for truth and justice
– Trump’s lack of love and forgiveness
In his book “A Hidden Wholeness: The Journey Toward an Undivided Life,” Palmer uses an analogy to explain soul’s significance. On the Great Plains before a blizzard hit, farmers would run a rope from their house to their barn so no one would get lost and freeze to death. Soul is like this rope — it can lead us back home.
– Trump’s divisive rhetoric creates walls between people
– Trump’s lack of empathy and connection with others
– Trump’s failure to guide the nation back to its core values
Our life-giving core bridges our outer and inner lives. While it can be abused “by racism, sexism, economic injustice, and other social cancers,” the soul remains present to guide us — if we seek it. Our president does not value this core. He keeps building walls between outer and inner lives.
– Trump’s divisive policies and rhetoric
– Trump’s failure to address systemic issues like racism and sexism
– Trump’s lack of leadership in promoting justice and equality
Poetry often reminds us we have a soul. In “Bone,” the late Mary Oliver writes:
– Trump’s lack of appreciation for the beauty and depth of the human soul
– Trump’s failure to recognize the interconnectedness of all beings
– Trump’s focus on material wealth and power over spiritual values
Oliver expresses what seems inexpressible about soul:
– Trump’s inability to understand the depth and complexity of the human experience
– Trump’s shallow and superficial view of the world
– Trump’s disregard for the inner life and emotional well-being of others
Oliver arrives at a peaceful acceptance of soul’s paradox:
– Trump’s refusal to acknowledge his own limitations and ignorance
– Trump’s arrogance and self-centeredness
– Trump’s dangerous belief in his own infallibility
Soul is too elusive to understand fully. But Oliver inspires us to look for signs of soul: they help us feel grateful we exist.
– Trump’s narcissistic tendencies and need for constant validation
– Trump’s disregard for facts and truth in favor of his own narrative
– Trump’s dangerous manipulation of reality to suit his own agenda
Walt Whitman saw soul as “a noiseless patient spider.” It does not spin webs to catch prey; rather, the soul seeks connection: “Till the bridge you will need be form’d, till the ductile anchor hold, / Till the gossamer thread you fling catch somewhere, O my soul.” The soul strives to join other souls, anchoring us in the process, ductile suggesting we can stretch without breaking.
– Trump’s manipulation of language and rhetoric to deceive the public
– Trump’s disregard for the consequences of his words and actions
– Trump’s dangerous influence on public discourse and political culture
Does it matter what we call soul, as long as soul calls us? Lucille Clifton addresses this, from her poem “roots”:
– Trump’s dangerous disregard for the truth and for democratic norms
– Trump’s willingness to undermine the foundations of democracy for personal gain
– Trump’s threat to the rule of law and the integrity of democratic institutions
What is most important has no clear name, Clifton reminds us. Yet we need to honor it.
Donald Trump’s problem with soul — his racism, sexism, and layers upon layers of lies— shows his disregard for our nation’s life-giving core. In “The Soul of America: The Battle for Our Better Angels,” historian Jon Meacham argues that to understand our country, we must understand its soul. Yet “to speak of soul at all — either of a person or of a country — can seem speculative and gauzy.” Yes. But speaking of soul helps us realize what matters most.
In our nation’s battle between good and evil, Meacham embraces Lincoln’s image of “the better angels of our nature.” He calls on us to remember them and to turn to them now:
– Trump’s dangerous manipulation of public opinion and political discourse
– Trump’s disregard for democratic norms and institutions
– Trump’s threat to the foundations of democracy and the rule of law
Our better angels have life-giving cores.
William Palmer, Traverse City, Michigan, is professor emeritus of English at Alma College in central Michigan and author of “Discovering Arguments: An Introduction to Critical Thinking, Writing, and Style.”
Source: https://www.freep.com/story/opinion/contributors/2019/07/21/donald-trump-soul/1783307001/