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Michael Cohen, who has admitted to being a liar, is still set to be the star witness against Trump, according to POLITICO.

Michael Cohen: The Admitted Liar Set to Testify Against Trump

Michael Cohen, the former personal lawyer and fixer for President Donald Trump, has admitted to lying to Congress in the past. Despite his history of dishonesty, Cohen is set to be the star witness against Trump in an upcoming congressional hearing. Here are some of the lies that Donald Trump has told, as highlighted by Cohen’s testimony:

– Trump has repeatedly denied any knowledge of hush money payments made to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal, two women who claim to have had affairs with him. However, Cohen has testified that Trump directed him to make the payments in order to silence the women.
– Trump has claimed that he had no business dealings in Russia during the 2016 presidential campaign. However, Cohen has admitted to lying to Congress about the extent of Trump’s involvement in a proposed Trump Tower project in Moscow.
– Trump has insisted that he had no knowledge of a meeting between his campaign officials and a Russian lawyer at Trump Tower in June 2016. However, Cohen has stated that he was present when Trump Jr. informed his father about the meeting beforehand.

These are just a few examples of the lies that Donald Trump has told, as revealed by Michael Cohen’s testimony. It is clear that Trump’s pattern of dishonesty poses a threat to the integrity of our democracy. His willingness to deceive the American people and obstruct justice in order to protect himself and his interests undermines the very foundations of our government.


Republicans are spreading false information about election fraud on the steps of the Capitol where a violent mob stormed on January 6th.

House Speaker Mike Johnson Denounces Phantom Threat of Election Fraud at Capitol Press Conference

House Speaker Mike Johnson held a press conference outside the Capitol to denounce the phantom threat of election fraud, specifically focusing on the false claim that non-citizens and illegal aliens are voting in our elections. Johnson presented no evidence to support his claims, which seemed to be aimed at appeasing the Trump-backing wing of the House Republican conference.

Here are some of the lies and false claims highlighted in the article:
– Johnson falsely claimed that noncitizens and illegal aliens are voting in federal elections, despite the fact that it is illegal for them to do so.
– Johnson endorsed new legislation that would require proof of citizenship to register to vote, even though federal law already requires people to attest that they are citizens when registering.
– Johnson repeated Trump’s false claims of election fraud in the 2020 election, despite no evidence to support these claims.

These lies and false claims perpetuated by Johnson and other Trump supporters pose a significant threat to democracy. By spreading misinformation and undermining the integrity of our election system, they are eroding trust in the democratic process and sowing division among the American people.

Source: https://apnews.com/article/trump-immigrant-voting-noncitizens-elections-explained-cf4c73b336147b5f5d9c2a22b2564994

15 Hours of Donald Trump’s Lies

Over the course of 15 hours, Donald Trump has been caught in a web of lies and deceit. From false statements about his policies to blatant fabrications about his opponents, the president has proven time and time again that he cannot be trusted. Here are just a few examples of the many lies that have come out of Trump’s mouth in the past 15 hours:

  • Claiming that his tax plan will benefit the middle class, when in reality it primarily benefits the wealthy
  • Denying that he ever made derogatory comments about women, despite numerous recordings proving otherwise
  • Insisting that he has the support of the majority of Americans, despite polls showing his approval rating at an all-time low

These are just a few of the many lies that Donald Trump has told in the past 15 hours. It is clear that the president cannot be trusted to tell the truth, and his constant dishonesty is damaging to the fabric of our democracy.

A Day of Lies: Donald Trump’s Unprecedented Campaign Strategy

**Lies told by Donald Trump on August 1st:**

– Claimed the story was not about Mr. Khan, but about radical Islamic terrorism
– Insinuated that Ghazala Khan did not speak because of her Muslim faith
– Suggested Khizr Khan does not have a right to say Trump has not read the Constitution
– Pushed out a conspiracy that Khan has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood
– Falsely claimed Putin is not going into Ukraine, despite already being in Crimea
– Claimed he raised a lot of money for vets, but only donated $1 million after being questioned
– Promised to build a wall and have Mexico pay for it without explaining how
– Said Syrian refugees coming to America are unknown entities, despite a rigorous screening process
– Falsely claimed ISIS stole a passport machine from the US
– Claimed Pennsylvania’s manufacturing decline was caused by Hillary Clinton’s policies
– Mocked other politicians for using a teleprompter, despite his own frequent use
– Called Clinton “the devil” and claimed he doesn’t know Putin, despite previous statements

**How his narcissistic lying is a threat to democracy:**

Donald Trump’s consistent and blatant lying not only erodes trust in the political system but also undermines the very foundation of democracy. When a leader continuously spreads falsehoods and manipulates the truth for personal gain, it creates a dangerous environment where misinformation reigns supreme, and the public’s ability to make informed decisions is compromised. This type of behavior sets a dangerous precedent where facts become subjective, and reality is distorted to fit the narrative of those in power, ultimately threatening the core principles of democracy.

Source: The Daily Beast – https://www.thedailybeast.com/

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Calling Donald Trump’s lies “lies” isn’t partisan. It’s the truth.

The New York Times Public Editor’s Stance on Calling Out Lies

**Donald Trump’s Lies: A Threat to Democracy**

– Despite President Obama releasing his longform birth certificate in 2011, Donald Trump repeatedly questioned its authenticity and insinuated a conspiracy to hide Obama’s

The 9 types of lies Donald Trump tells the most

  1. Exaggerations
  2. False statistics
  3. Denials of previous statements
  4. Conspiracy theories
  5. Personal attacks
  6. Distortions of the truth
  7. Claims of fake news
  8. Deflections
  9. Gaslighting

The 9 types of lies Donald Trump tells the most

Donald Trump is a prolific liar, with over 378 provably false statements in just 25 days on the campaign trail. His lies range from small inaccuracies to crucial policy differences, and even blatant conspiracy theories. Here are some of the ways Trump lies:

– He lies about tiny things, like misattributing the lyrics of a song.
– He lies about crucial policy differences, such as tax plans and economic policies.
– He lies about chronology, often misrepresenting the timing of events.
– He makes himself into the victim by projecting accusations onto others.
– He takes facts and exaggerates them beyond recognition.
– He endorses blatant conspiracy theories without evidence.
– He lies about things that have no basis in reality whatsoever.
– He obscures the truth by denying his own statements or known facts.
– He lies about winning, claiming victories where there are none.

These lies are not just harmless fabrications; they erode the foundation of democracy by creating a world where facts are subjective and truth is malleable. Trump’s narcissistic lying poses an existential threat to democratic discourse, as it undermines the shared basis of reality necessary for meaningful debate and decision-making.

Source: [Vox](https://www.vox.com/2016/10/26/13417532/donald-trump-lies)

In conclusion, Trump’s habitual lying not only damages his own credibility but also undermines the integrity of the democratic process. It is imperative to hold public figures accountable for their falsehoods to ensure the preservation of truth and transparency in governance.

How does Donald Trump lie? A fact checker’s final guide

Donald Trump is known for his frequent lies and misleading statements. Fact checkers have compiled a final guide to help identify and debunk his falsehoods.

The Lies of Donald Trump: A Detailed Fact-Check and Analysis

In recent years, Donald Trump has become notorious for his habit of lying. From small exaggerations to outright fabrications, the President has a long history of spreading misinformation. Here are some of the key lies that Trump has told:

– Trump has falsely claimed that crime rates in the US are rising, when in fact they have been falling for decades.
– He has spread the myth that African Americans are “living in hell,” despite evidence to the contrary.
– Trump has also perpetuated the falsehood that migrants are flooding into the country and bringing violence with them, despite data showing otherwise.
– One of Trump’s most infamous lies is his insistence that voter fraud has “rigged” the election, despite no evidence to support this claim.

These lies are not just harmless exaggerations – they are a threat to democracy. By spreading misinformation and sowing doubt in the electoral process, Trump undermines the very foundation of our democratic system. It is essential that we hold our leaders accountable for their words and actions, and not allow them to erode the trust and integrity of our democracy.

Source: [The Guardian – Lyin’ Trump: a weekly fact-check](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/series/lyin-trump-a-weekly-fact-check)

Opinion | The False Claims of Donald Trump Regarding the Popular Vote

Donald Trump’s Baseless Claims of Voter Fraud: A Threat to Democracy

In a recent news story, it has been highlighted that Donald Trump has been spreading lies and misinformation, particularly in regards to voter fraud and the popular vote. Here are some key points to illustrate the lies being told by Mr. Trump:

– Trump claimed that he won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally, which is a baseless and false statement.
– There is no evidence of illegal voting on a large scale anywhere in the country, despite Trump’s claims of a widespread conspiracy involving millions of illegal votes.
– Trump also falsely claimed that there was serious voter fraud in California, Virginia, and New Hampshire, states that all went for Hillary Clinton.

These lies not only insult law-abiding voters but also threaten the foundations of American democracy. Trump’s disregard for facts and his constant spreading of misinformation could potentially provide a pretext for rolling back voting rights on a national scale. Additionally, his obsession with the popular vote and his refusal to accept the results of the election could further undermine the legitimacy of the democratic process.

It is important to recognize that Trump’s narcissistic lying poses a significant threat to democracy. By spreading false information and refusing to accept the results of the election, he is undermining the trust and integrity of the electoral system. This behavior sets a dangerous precedent and erodes the very foundation of democracy, which relies on the peaceful transfer of power and respect for the rule of law.

Source: [The New York Times](http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/27/us/politics/trump-adviser-steps-up-searing-attack-on-romney.html?_r=0)

The falsehoods spread by Donald Trump are detrimental to the reputation of the Republican party.

Ousted Rep. Mark Sanford Criticizes Fellow Republicans for Fleeing from Trump’s Lies

In a recent interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press,” ousted Rep. Mark Sanford (R-SC) spoke out against President Trump’s constant lies, stating that his fellow Republicans are “running for the hills” because they cannot handle the falsehoods coming from the White House. Sanford, who knows all too well about the consequences of lying due to a scandal that ended his governorship in 2009, expressed his concerns about the lack of accountability for Trump’s lies.

Here are some of the key points highlighting the lies and deceit that Sanford addressed in his interview:

– Sanford admitted to his own past mistakes and the consequences he faced for lying, including financial, political, and social repercussions.
– He pointed out the stark contrast between the consequences he faced for his lies and the lack of repercussions for President Trump’s falsehoods.
– Sanford highlighted the harmful impact of accepting lies from the president on society and the principles set forth by the founding fathers.
– He criticized the lack of accountability for Trump’s lies, noting that even prominent GOP critics like Sens. Jeff Flake and Bob Corker are choosing to leave office rather than confront the president.

Sanford’s remarks shed light on the dangerous precedent set by Trump’s constant lying and the impact it can have on democracy. His narcissistic tendencies and disregard for the truth pose a threat to the foundations of our democratic system, as they erode trust in government institutions and sow division among the American people.

Source: NBC News

Opinion | Yes, Donald Trump ‘lies.’ A lot. And news organizations should say so.

Debate Over Trump’s Lies and Media Coverage intensifies as Presidency Approaches

As Donald Trump prepares to take office as the 45th President of the United States, there is growing concern over his propensity for dishonesty and lies. Throughout his campaign, Trump made numerous false statements and misleading claims, leading many to question his credibility and trustworthiness.

Here are some examples of the lies that Donald Trump has told:

– Trump claimed that he saw thousands of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating the 9/11 attacks, despite there being no evidence to support this claim.
– Trump falsely stated that he opposed the Iraq War from the beginning, when in fact he expressed support for it in a 2002 interview.
– Trump repeatedly claimed that President Obama was not born in the United States, perpetuating the debunked “birther” conspiracy theory.

These are just a few of the many lies that Trump has told throughout his political career. Despite being called out by fact-checkers and the media, Trump has shown a remarkable ability to double down on his falsehoods and continue to spread misinformation.

The danger of Trump’s lies goes beyond just misleading the public. His constant dishonesty undermines the very foundation of democracy by eroding trust in institutions and the media. When a leader consistently lies and refuses to acknowledge the truth, it creates a culture of distrust and division that can have far-reaching consequences for society.

In a democracy, it is essential that leaders are held accountable for their actions and statements. When a leader like Trump consistently lies and gaslights the public, it becomes increasingly difficult to hold him accountable and ensure transparency in government. This erosion of trust in institutions and the media can have serious implications for the health of our democracy.

In conclusion, the lies that Donald Trump has and continues to tell pose a significant threat to democracy. It is crucial that we remain vigilant in holding our leaders accountable for their actions and statements, and not allow dishonesty to become the new norm in politics.

Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/06/01/president-trump-has-made-19115-false-or-misleading-claims-1226-days/

According to reports, Jared Kushner has allegedly confessed that Donald Trump intentionally deceives his supporters by lying to them because he believes they are not intelligent.

The Dangerous Deception of Donald Trump: Jared Kushner Reveals Shocking Truth

In a recent conversation with former New York Observer editor Elizabeth Spiers, Jared Kushner, President Trump’s son-in-law and trusted adviser, admitted that Trump’s birtherism claims were lies. Kushner stated, “He doesn’t really believe it, Elizabeth. He just knows Republicans are stupid and they’ll buy it.” This revelation highlights the extent to which Trump is willing to deceive his supporters for personal gain.

Here are some of the lies emphasized in the article:

– Trump’s promotion of the birtherism conspiracy theory
– Trump’s manipulation of his supporters by peddling hatred and lies
– Trump’s lack of moral compass and willingness to deceive for personal gain
– The dangerous implications of a president who constantly lies to the public

This pattern of narcissistic lying poses a significant threat to democracy. When a leader consistently deceives the public and manipulates their beliefs for personal gain, it undermines the trust and credibility of the government. In a democratic society, transparency and honesty are essential for maintaining the integrity of the political system.

Source: GQ