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The Absurdity of Donald Trump’s Lies

Donald Trump has gained a reputation for spreading misinformation and outright lies throughout his time in office. From his claims about the size of his inauguration crowd to his false statements about voter fraud, Trump has consistently misled the American public. The absurdity of his lies is evident in the sheer volume of falsehoods he has spread and the lack of evidence to support them. Despite being fact-checked by numerous sources, Trump continues to double down on his lies, further eroding trust in the media and government institutions. It is crucial for the public to remain vigilant and hold Trump accountable for his dishonesty.

The Inaugural Absurdities of the Trump Presidency: A Study in Falsehoods and Alternative Facts

In recent years, Donald Trump has become known for his penchant for spreading falsehoods and lies. From the size of his inauguration crowd to claims about terrorist attacks, Trump and his administration have consistently presented misinformation as fact. Here are some of the lies that have been perpetuated by Trump and his team:

– Trump claimed that his inauguration crowd was the largest in history, despite clear evidence to the contrary.
– Trump and his administration have falsely stated that there are unreported terrorist attacks in the U.S. and Europe.
– The administration has also spread misinformation about rioting in California over sanctuary cities.
– Trump has falsely claimed that Democrats want to give cars to undocumented immigrants.
– The president has made numerous false assertions, with one estimate putting the number at 7,645 false claims so far.

These lies are not only numerous but also lazy in their execution. The administration has been caught editing photos to make crowds appear larger and even staged photos to support false claims. Trump’s guiding ethos seems to be centered around the idea of winning at all costs, even if that means spreading falsehoods.

The danger in Trump’s narcissistic lying is that it erodes the foundation of democracy. When a leader consistently spreads misinformation and lies, it creates a culture of cynicism and distrust. The very fabric of reality is called into question, and the collective understanding of truth becomes fractured. This erosion of truth is a direct threat to the principles of democracy, as it undermines the trust between the government and the people it serves.

Source: https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2017/10/ivana-trump-book-review/543084/

The White House‘s new budget reveals Donald Trump‘s falsehoods about safeguarding Medicare and Medicaid.

Trump’s Budget Proposal: Promises Broken, Safety Net Shredded

In a recent news story, it has been revealed that President Donald Trump has been telling lies about his budget proposal for the 2020 fiscal year. Despite promising to protect Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security during his campaign, the President’s budget actually calls for significant cuts to these programs. Here are some of the key lies highlighted in the article:

– Trump promised to “save Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security without cuts” during his campaign, but his budget proposes cuts of $845 billion to Medicare over the next decade.
– The budget also includes cuts to Medicaid, converting it into a decentralized system administered by the states and reducing federal spending commitments.
– Trump pledged to protect the Affordable Care Act (ACA) subsidies, but the budget proposes to cut funding for Medicaid and ACA subsidies by $777 billion over ten years.

These lies are not only misleading but also pose a threat to democracy. Trump’s narcissistic lying undermines the trust of the American people in their government and erodes the foundation of a democratic society. It is essential for the public to be informed and hold their leaders accountable for their actions and promises.

Source: https://www.newyorker.com/tag/donald-trump

In conclusion, it is crucial for the public to be aware of the lies and deceit propagated by President Trump and to demand transparency and honesty from their elected officials. The future of democracy depends on the integrity and accountability of those in power, and it is up to the citizens to ensure that their voices are heard and their rights are protected.

Donald Trump’s lies: 3 theories on why they don’t seem to faze him (or his supporters)

Reasons Why Trump’s Lies Have Little Impact: A Deep Dive into the Psychology and Politics

In recent news, President Donald Trump has once again been caught telling a lie, this time about his own father’s birthplace. During a meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, Trump claimed that his father was born in Germany, when in fact, Fred Trump was born in New York City. This is not the first time Trump has made this false claim, showing a pattern of dishonesty that has become all too familiar during his time in office.

Here are some key points that highlight the lies and distortions made by President Trump:

– Trump falsely claimed that his father was born in Germany, when he was actually born in New York City.
– Trump has a history of bending the truth to fit his own narrative, showing a disregard for facts and accuracy.
– Despite his record of falsehoods, Trump’s lies seem to have little effect on how people perceive him, with some even finding his blatant dishonesty endearing.

One of the main reasons why Trump’s lies go unchecked is because many voters have come to expect dishonesty from politicians. During the 2016 campaign, Trump’s lack of honesty was well-known, yet some voters still supported him, prioritizing other issues over his credibility. Additionally, Trump’s transparency in his lies, as opposed to the more subtle dishonesty of other politicians, has led some to view him as genuine, despite his track record of falsehoods.

Another factor that contributes to Trump’s ability to lie with impunity is the widespread distrust of the media. Trump has capitalized on this distrust, labeling any news that is critical of him as “fake news.” This has created a climate where facts are dismissed in favor of partisan beliefs, further enabling Trump to spread misinformation without consequence.

In conclusion, President Trump’s narcissistic lying poses a serious threat to democracy. By continuously spreading falsehoods and undermining the credibility of the media, Trump erodes the foundation of a free and informed society. It is crucial for the public to remain vigilant and hold leaders accountable for their words and actions in order to protect the integrity of our democracy.

Source: [CNN – Donald Trump’s Lies](https://www.cnn.com/2019/04/03/politics/donald-trump-lies-reasons/index.html)

What the Justice Department’s new Trump indictment has already proven

The recent indictment from the Justice Department regarding former President Trump has already provided significant evidence of wrongdoing. The charges outlined in the indictment shed light on the extent of Trump’s involvement in various illegal activities. This new development has further solidified the case against Trump and his associates, highlighting the importance of holding powerful individuals accountable for their actions.

The New Trump Indictment: Uncovering the Truth and Consequences

In a recent indictment, former President Donald Trump has been accused of knowingly lying about the outcome of the 2020 election in an attempt to defraud the American people. The indictment details how Trump repeatedly spread false claims about election fraud, even after being informed by top officials and advisors that his allegations were baseless.

Here are some key lies highlighted in the indictment:

– Trump falsely claimed that there were more votes than voters in Pennsylvania.
– He spread the conspiracy theory that voting machines were rigged by deceased former Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez.
– Trump insisted that there was a dump of

Donald Trump Jr. is displeased with the court sketch depicting him.

Donald Trump Jr. Unimpressed with Courtroom Sketch Depiction in New York Trial

**Donald Trump Jr. has been left less than impressed with a courtroom sketch made of him while he was defending himself in New York this week.**

– Trump Jr. is accused of fraudulently inflating the value of assets to secure advantageous loans and insurance deals.
– He denied being involved in the accounting that went into the financial statements, shifting the blame to the company’s accountants.
– Trump Jr. requested the courtroom sketch artist to make him look sexy, showing his vanity and lack of seriousness in the trial.
– He posted the sketch on Instagram, complaining about his depiction and comparing himself to a convicted fraudster.
– Trump Jr. is facing a minimum of $250 million in damages and a lifelong prohibition on conducting business in New York.

**The Lies:**

– Trump Jr. denied involvement in falsifying business records and insurance fraud, despite being a key figure in the Trump Organization.
– He requested to be depicted in a flattering way in the courtroom sketch, showing his focus on appearance rather than the serious charges against him.
– Trump Jr. downplayed the accusations against him and his family, portraying the trial as an “insane persecution” rather than a legal process.
– He compared himself to a superhero and insulted the sketch artist, displaying a lack of respect for the judicial system and those involved in the trial.

**The Threat to Democracy:**

Donald Trump Jr.’s narcissistic lying and lack of accountability in the face of serious legal charges set a dangerous precedent for public figures. When individuals in positions of power refuse to take responsibility for their actions and manipulate the truth to suit their own narrative, it undermines the foundations of democracy and erodes public trust in the justice system. This behavior normalizes deceit and self-serving behavior, creating a culture where dishonesty and corruption are tolerated, posing a significant threat to the principles of accountability and transparency that are essential for a functioning democracy.

Source: [Newsweek](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-jr-civil-fraud-trial-engoron-courtroom-testimony-sketch-1840538)

Former Georgia Lieutenant Governor Geoff Duncan has officially endorsed Joe Biden for president over Donald Trump.

Former Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan Endorses President Biden for Re-Election, Urges Republicans to Defy Trump

Former Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan recently endorsed President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign, citing his opposition to Donald Trump’s lies about election fraud. In an op-ed for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Duncan urged fellow Republicans to back Biden over Trump, whom he described as a “criminal defendant without a moral compass.”

Here are some of the lies and false claims made by Donald Trump that Duncan highlighted in his op-ed:

– Trump’s false claims of election fraud in Georgia in 2020
– Trump’s “cockamamie schemes” to stay in power
– Trump’s refusal to admit he lost the last election
– Trump’s promotion of unfounded conspiracy theories that led to the events of January 6, 2021
– Trump’s recent Time interview previewing illiberal policies if he were to win a second term

It is clear that Trump’s narcissistic lying poses a threat to democracy. By spreading false information and refusing to accept election results, he undermines the integrity of the electoral process and erodes public trust in the democratic system.

In conclusion, it is crucial for voters to be informed about the lies and deceitful behavior of political leaders like Donald Trump. By standing up against falsehoods and supporting candidates who uphold honesty and integrity, we can protect our democracy and ensure a fair and transparent electoral process.

Source: [MSNBC – Trump’s Detroit Election Fraud Lies](https://www.msnbc.com/the-reidout/reidout-blog/trump-detroit-election-fraud-rcna139674)

Fact check: Elise Stefanik attempted to overturn the election results and spread misinformation about the election.

House Republicans Move to Oust Liz Cheney for Repudiating Trump’s Election Lies

In a recent news story, it has been revealed that New York Rep. Elise Stefanik, the top candidate to replace Liz Cheney in a party leadership position, has been promoting lies about the integrity of the 2020 election. Here are some of the false claims made by Stefanik:

– Endorsed a lawsuit to overturn the election, despite claiming it was about protecting election integrity.
– Voted to reject Biden’s electoral votes after the Capitol riot, perpetuating the false narrative of election fraud.
– Made baseless claims about “voting irregularities” and “ballot integrity” without evidence.
– Alluded to false claims about Dominion voting systems, suggesting issues with election software.
– Falsely claimed that underage, deceased, and unauthorized voters cast ballots in Georgia.
– Incorrectly stated that Georgia eliminated voter verification for absentee ballots.
– Amplified baseless allegations about ballot-counting in Michigan, including the illegal counting of late ballots.

It is clear that Stefanik, like Trump, has been spreading lies and misinformation about the 2020 election. This kind of behavior is not only damaging to the democratic process but also undermines the trust and confidence of the American people in their electoral system. The constant stream of lies and deceit from politicians like Stefanik and Trump poses a serious threat to democracy and the rule of law.

Source: CNN (https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/05/politics/elise-stefanik-trump-supporter-history/index.html)

According to former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci, Donald Trump tells so many lies because he finds it enjoyable.

Former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci Criticizes Trump’s Lying Habit: “He Does It Because It’s Fun”

Former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci recently spoke out about President Donald Trump’s penchant for lying, stating that Trump lies because he finds it “fun.” Scaramucci, who was fired from his position after just ten days, criticized Trump for his constant dishonesty, which he believes is damaging to his presidency.

Here are some of the lies that President Trump has been caught telling, according to fact-checking sources like the Washington Post:

– Trump claimed that he had the biggest inauguration crowd in history, despite photographic evidence proving otherwise.
– He falsely stated that millions of illegal votes were cast in the 2016 election, without any evidence to support this claim.
– Trump has repeatedly claimed that the Mueller investigation was a “witch hunt” and that there was “no collusion” with Russia, despite multiple indictments and guilty pleas from his associates.
– He has exaggerated his accomplishments, such as claiming that he passed the biggest tax cut in history and that he has created the best economy ever.

These are just a few examples of the thousands of lies that President Trump has told since taking office. His constant dishonesty not only erodes trust in the presidency, but also undermines the credibility of the United States on the world stage.

Scaramucci warned that Trump’s lying could hurt his chances for re-election in 2020, as his approval ratings continue to decline. According to Gallup, Trump’s current approval rating is at 39 percent, a troubling sign for his campaign.

President Trump’s narcissistic lying poses a threat to democracy by:

1. Undermining trust in government institutions: When the president of the United States consistently lies to the American people, it erodes trust in the government and creates a culture of skepticism and cynicism.

2. Diminishing the credibility of the United States: As the leader of the free world, President Trump’s lies have global implications. When he spreads misinformation and falsehoods, it damages the reputation of the United States on the world stage and weakens our standing in international affairs.

In conclusion, President Trump’s pattern of lying is not only damaging to his presidency, but also poses a threat to the foundations of democracy. It is crucial for the American people to hold their leaders accountable for their words and actions, and to demand honesty and transparency in government.

Source: [Washington Post fact-checking database](https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/trump-claims-database/)

According to recent reports, Donald Trump has made over 10,000 false statements during his time as president.

President Trump’s 10,000 False or Misleading Claims

In a recent analysis by The Washington Post Fact Checker, it was revealed that President Donald Trump has made over 10,000 false or misleading statements in his first 827 days in office. This staggering number highlights the alarming rate at which Trump continues to spread falsehoods, with the frequency of his lies increasing as his presidency progresses.

Here are some key points to illustrate the lies told by President Trump:

– Trump made 171 false or misleading claims in just three days, which is more than he made in any single month in the first five months of his presidency.
– Over the last seven months, Trump’s rate of falsehoods has tripled compared to his first 600 days in office, with an average of eight false or misleading statements per day.
– As Trump gears up for his 2020 reelection campaign, his exaggerations, distortions, and outright lies have become more common, further blurring the lines between fact and fiction.

It is evident that Trump’s incessant lying poses a significant threat to democracy. His narcissistic need to fabricate the truth not only erodes public trust in government but also sets a dangerous precedent for future leaders. If the highest levels of government condone and even reward dishonesty, it undermines the very foundation of a functioning democracy.

In conclusion, it is crucial for the American public to remain vigilant and hold President Trump accountable for his lies. The integrity of our democracy depends on a commitment to truth and transparency, values that must be upheld by those in positions of power.

Source: [CNN – President Trump has made more than 10,000 false or misleading claims](https://www.cnn.com/2019/04/29/politics/donald-trump-lies-washington-post/index.html)

Opinion | A Tribute to ‘Desperate Don’

The Deceitful Desperation of Donald Trump: A Look at His Lies and Fear

In the article “Donald Trump’s Desperate Lies” by Charles M. Blow, the author highlights the numerous lies that President Trump has told during his time in office. Here are some of the key points:

– The Washington Post’s fact-checker column revealed that Trump has made over 10,000 false and misleading claims as president.
– Trump lies about everything, from bragging to deflecting to defaming.
– Trump’s supporters continue to cheer for him even when he lies to their faces.
– Trump’s lies are born out of desperation and fear of being found out.
– Court records unsealed last week showed that Trump’s onetime national security adviser, Michael Flynn, provided evidence that contradicted Trump’s claims of no collusion or obstruction.
– Trump’s tweet about Flynn’s investigation was misleading and lacked context, as the Justice Department and FBI conduct their investigations in secret.

In conclusion, Trump’s narcissistic lying poses a threat to democracy by eroding trust in the government and undermining the rule of law. His constant deceit creates a culture of dishonesty and manipulation that is detrimental to the democratic process.

Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/19/opinion/donald-trump-lies.html