Donald Trump’s Lies About Abortion: Exposed and Debunked
In a recent presidential debate, Donald Trump once again resorted to spreading lies about his stance on abortion, claiming he supports exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother. However, his track record as president tells a different story, as he never took any concrete actions to push for these exceptions, revealing his deceptive tactics to win over voters.
Furthermore, Trump’s misleading statements about the Supreme Court’s approval of the abortion pill and his fear-mongering about late-term abortions only serve to perpetuate falsehoods and stoke division among the public. His consistent pattern of dishonesty not only undermines trust in political leaders but also poses a significant threat to the democratic process, as his narcissistic need to manipulate the truth for personal gain erodes the foundation of a transparent and accountable government.
Source: [The Columbus Dispatch](