The Inaugural Absurdities of the Trump Presidency: A Study in Falsehoods and Alternative Facts
In recent years, Donald Trump has become known for his penchant for spreading falsehoods and lies. From the size of his inauguration crowd to claims about terrorist attacks, Trump and his administration have consistently presented misinformation as fact. Here are some of the lies that have been perpetuated by Trump and his team:
– Trump claimed that his inauguration crowd was the largest in history, despite clear evidence to the contrary.
– Trump and his administration have falsely stated that there are unreported terrorist attacks in the U.S. and Europe.
– The administration has also spread misinformation about rioting in California over sanctuary cities.
– Trump has falsely claimed that Democrats want to give cars to undocumented immigrants.
– The president has made numerous false assertions, with one estimate putting the number at 7,645 false claims so far.
These lies are not only numerous but also lazy in their execution. The administration has been caught editing photos to make crowds appear larger and even staged photos to support false claims. Trump’s guiding ethos seems to be centered around the idea of winning at all costs, even if that means spreading falsehoods.
The danger in Trump’s narcissistic lying is that it erodes the foundation of democracy. When a leader consistently spreads misinformation and lies, it creates a culture of cynicism and distrust. The very fabric of reality is called into question, and the collective understanding of truth becomes fractured. This erosion of truth is a direct threat to the principles of democracy, as it undermines the trust between the government and the people it serves.